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This is Not Any Ole Name!

By Connie Giordano

This Is Not Any Ole Name!
"Jesus Christ was given a name which exceeds all other names. He is Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is no other name in heaven or on earth that is more wonderful, more beautiful, more mighty than that of Jesus Christ. Today thank Him for His name." - From Generation to Generation - Devotional Thoughts Drawn from the Past
"The Guinness Book of Records lists some interesting facts about names. The oldest recorded personal name outside of the Bible is Sekhen - a predynastic king in Upper Egypt about 3,050 B.C. The longest name to appear on a birth certificate is Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisquatsiuth Williams who was born on September 12, 1984, to Mr. and Mrs. James Williams of Beaumont, Texas. Three weeks later Mr. Williams filed an amendment that expanded his daughter's first name to 1,019 letters and he added thirty-six letters to her middle name.
A. Lindup-Badarou of Truro, England as of March 1995 had a total of 3,530 first names registered as his full name. And Zachary Zzzzzzzzzra wanted to ensure he was the last name in the San Francisco telephone book." - From Generation to Generation
As this excerpt illustrates, the study of names is quite interesting.
Names say alot about an individual.
We use them so often throughout the day as we converse with others.
Calling someone by their name shows great respect and honor. At times, I have heard wives refer to their husbands as "he" rather than actually using their name in conversation. I have also had others refer to my own husband as "he" without ever mentioning his first name and was very upset, to say the least, since it seemed so disrespectful.
God ordained that we would all have a name - a name which would characterize our personality or our unique traits. Some people carry their God-given name well. They certainly live up to it in every sense of the word.
Names are not to be used as cheap labels. Unfortunately, there are those who are so cruel as to change the name of another for one that is belittling and shameful. This practice is carried out as early as childhood.  Oftentimes, a person is labeled at a young age, and this "tag" is then carried on into the later years. This is most unfortunate.
In anger, so many have resorted to name calling, using demeaning terms, only to have to apologize afterwards for their ungodly and foolish behavior.
Names are so very important. Throughout the day, as we go about our business, they are constantly flowing through our minds. Perhaps a song, Scripture, image, situation, place, time, or atmosphere reminds us of someone and immediately, their name comes to our remembrance.
As we face the varied circumstances of life, names are constantly coming to us.
When we are facing financial troubles, Mom or Dad, rich Uncle Bill, our Banker, or even our Church might come to our minds.
When we are feeling ill, we may immediately think of Dr. So-and-So and wonder if he is available for a visit. When we are feeling lonely, discouraged, and depressed, the name of our spouse or closest friend may come to our remembrance to e-mail or call.
When we are at our wit's end, we may readily think of the name of our Pastor or an Anointed Prayer Warrior.  
Which name do we think about or call upon most often throughout the day?
At this point, we must stop and realize that we are not like the average individual in this world. We are different. We are Born Again Christians. Our lives have been drastically changed since Jesus came into our lives.
Consequently, we have a very important question to ask ourselves today - What about Jesus? 
How often do we think on His name?
How often do we call upon His name?
Is His name the first that we consider or mention, or is He treated as the last resort when no one else is available?
As Christians, the name of Jesus should constantly be in our minds and on our lips - never as a cuss word - but as an earnest plea for His ever present help, showing our constant dependence on Him.
Do we really understand the significance of this Name above all other names?
Do we understand the Power that is behind this Wonderful Name?
If so, why would we ever resort to the "arm of the flesh" when we have One so Mighty and So Awesome to call upon - Who comes to our assistance at any time of the day and the night as speedily as the very mention of His Name?
Oh! The loveliness...The splendor...The Beauty...The Glory of this Name!
And yes, yes, yes - Oh! The Power of this Name!
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! 
There is something about that name!
Luke 10:17 - The Scriptures tell us that our potent enemies are subject unto us through this Mighty Name.  As this verse indicates, the seventy disciples returned from their evangelistic mission with great joy, saying - "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name."
Are we aware of this?
How cognizant are we that every devil, demon, evil spirit, ruler, principality, power, and dominion are "subject unto us" through Jesus' Name?
Do we act as though our enemies are under our feet?
Do we face life's twists and turns, setbacks, trials, troubles, and tragedies as though every devil is "subject unto us" through the Mighty and All-Powerful Name of Jesus?
Has this revelation moved down from our heads and entered into our hearts and transformed our lives insomuch that we are never depressed, discouraged, and defeated because of what we know about this Awe-Inspiring and Glorious Name that is at our disposal 24/7?
Oh! Saint of God! Does every devil know that you know that he is subject to you because of that Wonderful Name?
Ephesians 1:21 teaches us that the name of Jesus is "Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come."
Do we believe that? Do we really know it to be true?
Philippians 2:9-10 goes on to say - "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth..."
Acts 4:12 adds - "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Satan and all of his demonic forces and evil hosts know that the name of Jesus is high or greatly exalted above every conceivable ruler, magistrate, power - no matter what rank or order they may hold. But, do we know it?
Satan and every demon knows that salvation from sin; healing for the body, emotions, and mind; as well as deliverance or preservation from all evil or harm cannot be found in any other person or "name" than the "name of Jesus." Are we acting as though we know it to be true? Do our lives show that we are indeed believers of this fact?
Luke 10:19 - Through Jesus' Name, we have "power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy" and absolutely "nothing" - "no weapon" - of Satan's can "hurt" us as children of the Most High God.
Psalm 91:13 - Through the Name of Jesus, we are treading and trampling under our feet spiritual enemies - typified by lions and adders, young lions and dragons. 
Romans 16:20 - Every time that we invoke His Awesome Name, Jesus - our "God of Peace" - bruises Satan - that ole serpent, "roaring lion," and "dragon" - under our feet. 
Hallelujah! Bless His Sweet and Holy Name!
What does it mean that Jesus bruises Satan under our feet?
It simply means that He subdues, gains the victory over, gives dominion over, and overcomes all of the arts, schemes, endeavors, plots, and plans of this wicked deceiver, accuser, and enemy.
Whenever we call upon His name, He brings us safety from all danger, even as we walk among bitter, crafty, and  malicious enemies - typified as deadly and venomous serpents and fierce and violent lions.   
Mark 16:17 - Because we are believers, God has given us the authority to use His Omnipotent Name to "cast out devils." This power is not invested in only a few. It is not given only to Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, and Prophets. It is given to all believers.
Are you a believer in Jesus today? Are you using this authority that is found in Jesus' Name to "cast out devils" who are oppressing you and your loved ones today?
The devil knows that you have the authority to cast him out of your life, home, and situation. But, what good is it if he knows it and you don't?  
There never was and there never will be a Name like the Name of Jesus.
It's easily accessible for all to use.
It isn't hard to pronounce like Lindup-Badarou or so impossible to say as Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk.
It's so easy to say that even a little child can whisper it in time of need.
What wonder there is in this Name!
Truly, it is the Name "which is above every Name."
May it always be the first One that we remember to call upon in time of need.
And may it always be the One that fills our hearts with sweet melody and joy.
Copyright 2004 by Connie Giordano


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